Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Are the Tea Partiers Racists?

Here is a good video showing Black and White People a like standing up against President Obama. This Shows that if we go against the Government that we are not racists, but only trying to protect our freedom.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Top Ten Favorite Movie Soundtracks

Before I started I wanted to make a disclaimer to say that I don't watch all of these movies, although I do have the soundtracks:-)

Real quick before I start I wanted to give John Williams my vote of best Composer all time.

1. Braveheart-James Horner

2. Robin Hood-Prince of Thieves-Michael Kamen

3. Patriot-John Williams

4. Indiana Jones Series- John Williams

5. Untouchables-Ennio Morricone

6. Gods and Generals-John Frizell and Randy Edelman

7. Hook-John Williams

8. National Treasure Series-Trevor Rabin

9. Pirates of the Caribbean Series-Hans Zimmer and Klaus Badelt

10 Lord of the Rings Series-Howard Shore

Monday, July 19, 2010

Have you seen this before?

What has the world come to:-)

Homeschool Conference

Well, this happened in March but I am only just getting time to post the pic's, so enjoy.

At the Homeschool conference in March, our church set up a table to help make people aware of the church. We had a great time at the conference and they had a lot of neat classes and tables to check out.

This is my dad and Pastor Mowery at our table (that's me in the red shirt with my back turned:-)

I liked this shirt:-)

Here is just a shot of all the people at the Conference.

Just a few different company's that where there.

Here is our table, for Providence Independent Baptist Church.