The Girls at Fritz's.
The first day we went to Crown Center Mall in Kansas City. For lunch we went to this really neat cafe called Fritz's. It is a restaurant where all your food is brought to you by a train that runs along the top of the wall. As the train is passing your table a little gate comes down and slides the basket full of food off the train and onto a little elevator to your table. When you order your food you use the phone next to your table to call in your order. Just for fun Nick ordered for us using a British accent and after he order he remarked "Oh, if you would...could you please turn down the music it is giving me quite a head ache". The man didn't say anything and then the music (which was rock) was some how seemed to quite down:-)
After the restaurant we went through the mall and finished at the Chip Chocolate factory where they had big slabs of fudge. Only problem was that each one was 7 dollars so in the end we decided to share one:-) Also on our way out we took a walk through Union Station.
That night we played Ping Pong and had a delicious Cuban meal made by my dad. After dinner and ping pong we played 7-up which was quite fun. We finally went to bed at 1:00am that night.
Tuesday the girls went to Victoria Trading Company (a Victorian store) while my brothers and I watched the kids. After they got home we visited the Santa Fe Cemetery (it is located two houses down from our house) and got to see the grave that is labeled HORSE THIEF. After dinner we where about to start a movie when Kate (we don't know if it was an allergy or the flu) had to lay down and by night fall surrender dinner.
The next morning the girl spent in Ally's room nursing Kate and using their computers (they all have one). After a while Kate felt pretty good again so the girls did some thing where you put chocolate, sour cream and other nasty things on your face (I didn't participate:-) which is some how suppose to help your face. That night we went to Church and the girls sang a special. That night when we got home we started our movie that was postponed by Kate's illness. We decided to show them the BBC vision of Wives and Daughters and as we finished the first episode Kate conked out:-) We soon woke her up and the girls decided, just for fun, to go over and sleep at my grandma's house (which is next to ours). So, at 12:30am we hauled over all of the girls stuff to our grandma's and then we went home and hit the sack.
Thursday Morning the girls woke early and went shopping at the Plaza (needless to say they couldn't afford anything since most clothes there rang in the hundreds). Meanwhile the boys and I watched the kids and helped the little girls get a tea party ready for the big ones. I helped Belle make Rice Crispy treats and biscuits. At 4:00pm the girl returned and they had the Tea Party. That night we got Pizza for dinner (although Kate kept to Banana's, Toast and Serra Mist:-). We also finished the remaining 3 episodes of Wives and Daughters and after the movie the girls went to packing. They finally got packed at about 1:30am and after that they decided to play PIT so we all went down stairs and played PIT till 3:00am.
Friday Morning we left for the airport at 8:00am (which meant everyone had to get up around six). We played Write a Story on the way there and once we got there we checked Tori in and got her to her plane. But while going through security she forgot to take her keys out of her pocket so she had to have a pat down by security:-). After that she got on her plane and we headed home again. That afternoon Kate and Ally talked until 4:30 when we had to take Kate to the airport. Kate had an uneventful security check and she got through fine.
Then we went home and that was the end of the week:-(
Note: We have not downloaded our other camera yet so I will post the other pics once we download the camera.
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