Saturday, December 11, 2010

Need a Laugh?

Here is a funny email I got. ENJOY


Please don't mis-read our intentions..We are in NO way in agreement with any type of gun control, but after seeing this..we are, unfortunately, in agreement that something needs to change...

If you agree with this please send to the powers that be. Hope we can stop it.

While we always agree that hunting is an ethical God given right,we think that we would have to agree with the author on this one.

Fox hunting in Oklahoma should be banned!

Please help ban fox hunting in Oklahoma! ~



Peter Cottontail

Bugs Bunny

The Easter Bunny


Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hello to everyone from snowy Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. We have had a great week and the Church payed for our family to go to Dollywood, where I got to ride all to rollercosters and they had a lot of neat shows. Well, last night when we went to bed it was like 70 degrees and then when we woke up it was snowing:-) I will try to post pics of our visit asap.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

PIBC Hayride

Here's some pics from Providence Independent Baptist Church annual hayride.

Providence wants YOU:-)

Everyone gathering for the meal.

No night would be complete without playing some football (I am not a fan
of Nebraska sports teams and I have tried to tell my brother of his wicked
ways but still he doesn't listen:-). BTW, go MIZZOU.

Yummy food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone loading up for hayride No. 1

We all gathered after the meal for a service around the fire:-)

Picture of the Week

Well, this week would not be complete without a picture of me:-)

Don't I look Gorgeous jk:-) I know everyone can tell how humble I am:-)

I thought I'd throw one in of Nick and I goofing off.

Neat Picture

Nick has become our family photographer and he caught yet another neat picture the other day when Alex and I were playing football.
PS: Please pay no attention to the Halloween decor in
back round. BTW, it isn't ours:-)

Welcome to Boston!!!

Here are some pics from our trip to Boston.

Samuel Adams grave

Paul Revere's House

Inside the Old North Church.

This is where the Declaration of Independence was first read.

A World War II Destroyer

The USS Constitution

A pic out the window of our plane on the flight home.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Have you seen this before?

This Picture and Quote reminded me of my mom:-)

I've learned that the Lord didn't do it all in one day; What makes me think I can.

Have you seen this before?

I REALLY liked this sign on the car:-)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

This Day 9 Years Ago

Today is the ninth anniversary of the Muslim terrorist attack on the United States. It was the most tragic event in American history. The closest thing in comparison is Pearl Harbor, but this was not on an island miles away but it was in New York City. When I was younger I always had that thought that "America can never be attacked" but on September, 11, 2001, the Muslin terrorists killed thousands in their suicide attack on the Pentagon, Twin towers and if not for the brave men on United Flight 93, the White House as well.

We also need to remember today the many firefighters who gave their lives trying to save others. I was reading an account of many of the stories about different people who saved tons of people and died trying to save more.

Many people are saying these day, "just get over it, it was 9 years ago". But just like Pearl Harbor and other tragedies we have to never forget the heroes who gave their lives and the lessons we learned.

I think today of all days is a good time to think about what you felt like on that day and then how the Muslims are building a victory mosque on the site. We cannot allow the Muslims to get the victory here. And if we allow our politicians to allow this, it will waste the lives of those who not only died on that day, but those who have lost their lives in the recent wars as well.

Here is a Video I made in Tribute to 9/11

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Are the Tea Partiers Racists?

Here is a good video showing Black and White People a like standing up against President Obama. This Shows that if we go against the Government that we are not racists, but only trying to protect our freedom.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Top Ten Favorite Movie Soundtracks

Before I started I wanted to make a disclaimer to say that I don't watch all of these movies, although I do have the soundtracks:-)

Real quick before I start I wanted to give John Williams my vote of best Composer all time.

1. Braveheart-James Horner

2. Robin Hood-Prince of Thieves-Michael Kamen

3. Patriot-John Williams

4. Indiana Jones Series- John Williams

5. Untouchables-Ennio Morricone

6. Gods and Generals-John Frizell and Randy Edelman

7. Hook-John Williams

8. National Treasure Series-Trevor Rabin

9. Pirates of the Caribbean Series-Hans Zimmer and Klaus Badelt

10 Lord of the Rings Series-Howard Shore

Monday, July 19, 2010

Have you seen this before?

What has the world come to:-)

Homeschool Conference

Well, this happened in March but I am only just getting time to post the pic's, so enjoy.

At the Homeschool conference in March, our church set up a table to help make people aware of the church. We had a great time at the conference and they had a lot of neat classes and tables to check out.

This is my dad and Pastor Mowery at our table (that's me in the red shirt with my back turned:-)

I liked this shirt:-)

Here is just a shot of all the people at the Conference.

Just a few different company's that where there.

Here is our table, for Providence Independent Baptist Church.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tea Party Protest

Here are the pic's I promised from when we went to the tax day tea party here in KC.

Obama's Cousin speaking at the Protest against Obama.

Nice Pic of the American Flag

Ally and I at the Protest.

We had close to 7,000 at the protest.

All the people.

One of the Candidate's for congress speaking at the Protest.
We had a great time and there where a ton of great speakers there.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Prissy's 3rd Birthday

Prissy had a Cinderella Birthday and here are some pictures.
Prissy's Birthday Cake

Prissy in her new...interesting sunglasses (Even Joey thinks their...well, a little strange)

Prissy opening her presents

Prissy sitting at the table during her party

Prissy getting ready for her party