Tuesday, November 2, 2010

PIBC Hayride

Here's some pics from Providence Independent Baptist Church annual hayride.

Providence wants YOU:-)

Everyone gathering for the meal.

No night would be complete without playing some football (I am not a fan
of Nebraska sports teams and I have tried to tell my brother of his wicked
ways but still he doesn't listen:-). BTW, go MIZZOU.

Yummy food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone loading up for hayride No. 1

We all gathered after the meal for a service around the fire:-)

Picture of the Week

Well, this week would not be complete without a picture of me:-)

Don't I look Gorgeous jk:-) I know everyone can tell how humble I am:-)

I thought I'd throw one in of Nick and I goofing off.

Neat Picture

Nick has become our family photographer and he caught yet another neat picture the other day when Alex and I were playing football.
PS: Please pay no attention to the Halloween decor in
back round. BTW, it isn't ours:-)

Welcome to Boston!!!

Here are some pics from our trip to Boston.

Samuel Adams grave

Paul Revere's House

Inside the Old North Church.

This is where the Declaration of Independence was first read.

A World War II Destroyer

The USS Constitution

A pic out the window of our plane on the flight home.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Have you seen this before?

This Picture and Quote reminded me of my mom:-)

I've learned that the Lord didn't do it all in one day; What makes me think I can.

Have you seen this before?

I REALLY liked this sign on the car:-)